- Login to Blogger → Dashborad
- Click on Drop Down Menu and select Template
- Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog
- Press Ctrl + F and search the code shown below.
Paste below code just above it.
<div id='author-box'>
<div class='row row-1'>
<div class='avatar'>
<a href='http://blogger-templatees.blogspot.com/2015/11/how-to-add-professional-erose-author.html'><img alt='author-avatar' class='avatar avatar-90 photo' height='90' src='https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/05/8d/fb/058dfbc365f2e8b0a900c4a338e8326e.jpg' width='90' /></a>
<div class='info'>
<h6>Posted By: Autor (Your Name)<span>Admin and Author</span></h6>
<p><strong><a href='http://blogger-templatees.blogspot.com/2015/11/how-to-add-professional-erose-author.html'>Ana </a> is Blogger Girl, one of many in the world.</strong> <strong>Graduate in Computer Applications, Love to Make Blogger Hacks and Like to Play with HTML and a Business Woman.</strong></p>
<div class='clear' /> </div>
<div class='row row-2'>
<a class='social-item website' href='http://blogger-templatees.blogspot.com/' meta='website' target='_blank'> <span class='icon' /> <span class='label'>Website</span><span class='click'><span class='val'>113576 Visitors</span> </span>
<a class='social-item twitter' href='https://twitter.com/ClassyBloger' meta='twitter' target='_blank'> <span class='icon' /> <span class='label'>Twitter</span><span class='click'><span class='val'>200 Followers</span></span>
<a class='social-item facebook' href='http://www.facebook.com/freebloggerthemes' meta='face' target='_blank'><span class='icon' /><span class='label'>Facebook</span><span class='click'><span class='val'>500 Likes</span></span>
<a class='social-item gplus' href='https://plus.google.com/u/4/+AnaLeighReal' meta='gplus' target='_blank'><span class='icon' /><span class='label'>Google+</span><span class='click'><span class='val'>70 Joined</span></span>
<a class='social-item linkedin' href='http://ph.linkedin.com/YourName' meta='linkedin' target='_blank'><span class='icon' /><span class='label'>LinkedIn</span><span class='click'><span class='val'>40 Links</span></span>
<a class='social-item youtube' href='https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnEAt2xqvTxkJB6BfaqwofQ' meta='youtube' target='_blank'> <span class='icon' /><span class='label'>Youtube</span> <span class='click'><span class='val'>30 Followers</span></span>
<div class='clear' /></div>
<div class='row row-3'>
<form action='https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' class='author-donation' method='post'>
<input name='cmd' type='hidden' value='_donations' />
<input name='business' type='hidden' value='yourmail@gmail.com' />
<input name='lc' type='hidden' value='US' />
<input name='item_name' type='hidden' value='Donate Blogger' />
<input name='no_note' type='hidden' value='0' />
<input name='currency_code' type='hidden' value='USD' />
<input class='donation-button' name='submit' type='submit' value='+Donate to Author' /> </form><a class='register-button' href='http://blogger-templatees.blogspot.com/'>Become a Blogger</a>
<div class='clear' /></div>
Now Search for below code once again
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
Paste below code just after it.
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clear: both;
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Replace next:
- Replace http://blogger-templatees.blogspot.com/2015/11/how-to-add-professional-erose-author.html with your author bio page link (Optional)
- Replace http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-9ovzX6EzHt0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAA_0/0yCHqDhLbEM/s80-c/photo.jpg with your author image.
- Replace Autor (Your Name) with your Author OR Admin name.
- Replace this Ana with your author bio.
- Replace http://blogger-templatees.blogspot.com with your website link.
- Replace https://twitter.com/ClassyBloger with your twitter username.
- Replace this freebloggerthemes with your Facebook username.
- Replace https://plus.google.com/u/4/+AnaLeighReal with your Google Plus id
- Replace this YourName with your Linkedin profile id.
- Replace https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnEAt2xqvTxkJB6BfaqwofQ with your youtube username/channel
- Replace yourmail@gmail.com with your email id on Paypal account
Finally Save your Template. You are done.